With so many unknowns out there regarding supply and demand and potential health risks here at The Good Dog Shoppe we have had to come up with the best plan we can in an attempt to meet all the needs of our customers. So far this is where we are at...

First and foremost if you are coming into the store please understand we are strictly enforcing social distancing. We are wiping all common surfaces down regularly and asking you to please touch as little as possible.

Our grooming is still open and we are only taking one to two dogs at a time to enable thorough cleaning in between appointments. A much safer option for you and your pet than some of the other mega grooming facilities. We love our groomers and right now they especially need our help so if your pup needs grooming but maybe not just yet we are offering gift certificates you can purchase now over the phone. It would mean a lot to them and thank you for considering it.

Because of the unexpected demand for pet food and because we want all of your pets to have what they need we are implementing a one bag per purchase off the shelf but you can absolutely special order as much as you need. Deliveries will come in within a week of ordering...possibly sooner.

We are offering curbside loading!! We will put your purchase directly in your car and do our best to wipe it down to avoid cross contamination. Please be patient with us if you require curbside service. We are navigating our way as well. We ask you call ahead and prepay.

We have had several customers offer to help with delivery. If you are at high risk or quarantined and unable to get to the store we are happy to bring it to you!! Again we are navigating our way so we appreciate your patience. We will get your food to you. We ask you call ahead and prepay.

As the owner of The Good Dog Shoppe my concerns are many right now. You have all been wonderful through this crisis!! I need to emphasis that!! Please know I want nothing more than to meet all of your pets needs and we are trying our best. I have spoken with our suppliers and they are having their own set of struggles but as long as I can get food into the store I will... I just can’t predict for how long so please plan accordingly. If possible have several weeks to a month of your pets supplies on hand. We have options so don’t panic if we can’t get your specific food.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do and we will all get through this...together!!

Much love from all of us here at The Good Dog Shoppe!